Saturday, October 15, 2011

Writing My Book, Watching "Five", and Being Me...

This week, I was busy the whole week.  I made a commitment to myself that I would block off three days a week and at least 3-4 hrs. per those days to write my book.  So far, so good!  I have got to use what God has generously graced me with and share it.  I have a passion for people and helping them and I have a passion to make a difference.  I've got to do this, or I will not have done my life any justice here on earth.  Through my books, I want to indulge in some comedy, and then grab the reader's attention to speak tenderly to their heart.  I want to share the Lord's grace and God's unconditional love He has for all of us.  I want every reader to be able to relate to the text that I write and let God work His love into each and every person that reads my books.
This week, I also watched the Lifetime Movie "Five".  What a gripping movie that was!  I related to it because I have had cancer...not breast cancer...but I was in stage 3EB Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma a little over 5 years ago, in 2006.  I am so glad they made this movie.  I hope it makes more women and men to pay attention to their body signals and that we all take better care of ourselves here on earth.  Some things are out of our hands, but what we do have control over, we will be held accountable for.  I know I plan on trying the best that I know how to, now, to take care of the earthly body I have and nurture it.
Being me is sometimes difficult.  I know the older I am getting, though, the more I like myself and the person I am growing up to be.  You may say, Debbie, you're already grown up!  But, I can tell you without a doubt, that I will never be done growing up!  I want to learn new things about things, about myself, about others, about our world, about God, about everything that I can until my last breath here on earth.  I am not done...God is not finished with me yet.  I am still a growing girl and I am so very proud of that!
I hope you have had a good week and I will chat with you again soon!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

First Workshop Done!

I spoke at my first workshop today.  It was scary and it was exhilarating.  I know this is what I am supposed to coaching others and offering workshops to others.  I did not do a good job getting exposure out to others, though, I have to admit.  Only 4 were there.  That was not such a bad thing though.  I entered the room and instantly became an educator and a friendly approachable and likable gal.  I had a message and testimony to share and I felt it was important enough to do this, so I'm glad I did.
My next workshop will be titled differently, platformed and advertised differently, and I will have people pay in advance to come and hear me.
The evaluations of the workshop were all positive...but there were only 4 there.
It's okay...Deep breath...It's over...I move on.